Liquid & Gas Sampling Solutions for Low Carbon Future

Manual Samplers Liquid & Gas for Bio-Fuel Market

Mechatest contributes with a lot of projects to a low-carbon future by selling closed loop emission free sampling systems to combat climate change. Mechatest designed manual sampling systems for the industry that invest and transform to green Hydrogen, CO2 Capturing and all kind off low-carbon fuels such as renewable diesel, SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel), Bio-Diesel, Bio-Naphtha, Bio-Ethanol, e-Methanol and other solutions for Bio-Plastics.

We are a manufacturer of Liquid & Gas sampling systems for the bio-fuel industry as well the petrochemical on & offshore industry.
In our factory, we design and fabricate open and closed loop sampling systems for the Bio-Fuel market, Hydrocarbon sampling, chemicals, steam and process water sampling, specific for the HYDROGEN Electrolyser market we designed Hydrogen sampling and Hydrogen / Oxygen measurement (analysis) systems.

Sampling solutions for the FPSO Upstream, midstream and downstream oil & gas market, liquid and gas sampling,  Carbon capture CO2 sampling solutions, liquid bottle sampler products.
For the power industry we are specialized in Steam & Water Analysis Systems (SWAS) used in steam water cycle.


FPSO Sampling systems, sample connections, FPSO liquid sampling, FPSO gas sampling, FPSO Sampling project SBM, Petrobras, Mechatest FPSO sampling, Swagelok grab sample panel, grab sampling

Liquid Sampling, Liquid BOTTLE samplers, ON-OFF Liquid sampler, Dopak DPM, BYPASS liquid sampler, BACK PURGE liquid sampler, NEEDLE PURGE liquid sampler, INLINE FLOW THRU liquid sampler, PISTON VALVE liquid sampler, GC VIAL sampler, FIXED volume sampler

Analyser system integration, Electrolyser Hydrogen measurement, Gas and liquid analysis systems, oxygen analyser, hydrogen analyser, cems analyser system, btu natural gas analyser system, metering analysis

Steam sampling, Steam and Water Analysis Systems, SWAS, SWAN, ASME PTC 19.11, VGB, DGRL, Sentry steam sampling, steam condensate analysis, steam turbine analysis, isokinetic nozzle, superheated steam sampling, saturated steam, boiler feedwater, boiler wat
Electrolyser Hydrogen H2 measurement SIL-2, H2 Electrolyser, Hydrogen energy, Hydrogen measurement analysis, H2 sampling, Frames Electrolyser System, H2 Electrolyser System, Hydrogen wet gas, H2 wetgas measurement

Liquid Sampling, Liquid BOTTLE samplers, ON-OFF Liquid sampler, Dopak DPM, BYPASS liquid sampler, BACK PURGE liquid sampler, NEEDLE PURGE liquid sampler, INLINE FLOW THRU liquid sampler, PISTON VALVE liquid sampler, GC VIAL sampler, FIXED volume sampler

Gas and liquid sample probes - isokinetic steam nozzles

Spring return handles, Swagelok spring return valve, Swagelok spring return, Hoke spring return handle, Fitok spring return valves, deadman handle, spring return valve, spring to close valve, instrumentation valve spring return handle
H2 Electrolyser sampling, Hydrogen spot sample, Hydrogen measurement analysis, H2 sampling, Frames Electrolyser System, H2 Electrolyser Sampling, Hydrogen gas sampling, H2 gas analysis

Your Business Values

● Quality control, reducing costs by process optimization

● Taking representative samples and get better results

● Preventing production loss

● Zero emission, safe for your health & environment

● No pollution, prevent emission damage claims

Advantages Compared To Our Competitors

● We bring best innovative Liquid Sampler on the market

● Most modular and with a dozen of interchangeable options

● Designed for flexibility, for changing markets and wishes

● Widest range of materials, Stainless, Alloys, Plastics

● Top quality and best prices!


Leading In Fluid Sampling & Analysis

Mechatest Sampling Solutions has become a leading manufacturer & Worldwide supplier of Liquid & Gas samplers for the petrochemical on & offshore industry, for the power industry we are specialized in Steam & Water Analysis Systems (SWAS) used in steam water cycle. We are a sampling system factory, we design and fabricate open and closed loop sampling systems for hydrocarbon sampling, chemicals, steam and process water sampling. It is all about collecting of a representative sample of liquid or gas direct from a pipeline, tank, stack, or any other application with the intent of transporting safely the sample to a laboratory for analysis.

Customer First

We can only succeed through our customers success. Read more >

Fast Delivery


Parts on-stock for liquid bottle and gas samplers. Read more >

Our Principles


Expanding the market by science and innovation. Read more >



We create value for customers and improveRead more >

Quality Assurance


Mechatest is an ISO 9001:2015 certified companyRead more >

Continuous Improvement


We actively listen and learn in order to improve. Read more >

Mechatest Factory

A clean production facility only guaranteed quality
Read more >



Based on unique knowledge and long term expertiseRead more >


Years of sampling experience


Sampling systems worldwide


Countries around the world


Certified by TÜV ISO9001-2015

The combined businesses will be unique in manual and automatic sampling solutions in UPSTREAM, MIDSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM Oil and Gas Industry.

Mechatest sampler video

Mechatest posted our bottle sampler video on YouTube.

Guide select best liquid gas sampler, liquid sampling, gas sampling, sampling panels systems, decision tree, swagelok valves grab sampling

Guide to select the best liquid sampler

Click on the picture and download the guide.